

TP DeRamus, Lei Wu, Shile Qi, Armin Iraji, Rogers Silva, Yuhui Du, Godfrey Pearlson, Andrew Mayer, Juan R Bustillo, SF Stromberg, VD Calhoun. Multimodal data fusion of cortical-subcortical morphology and functional network connectivity in psychotic spectrum disorder. NeuroImage: Clinical, Volume 35, 2022, 103056, ISSN 2213-1582, (中科院SCI分区:二区,影响因子:4.891)

时间:2022-11-03 17:30:33   来源:  点击:[531]


Multiple authors have noted overlapping symptoms and alterations across clinical, anatomical, and functional brain features in schizophrenia (SZ), schizoaffective disorder (SZA), and bipolar disorder (BPI). However, regarding brain features, few studies have approached this line of inquiry using analytical techniques optimally designed to extract the shared features across anatomical and functional information in a simultaneous manner. Univariate studies of anatomical or functional alterations across these disorders can be limited and run the risk of omitting small but potentially crucial overlapping or joint neuroanatomical (e.g., structural images) and functional features (e.g., fMRI-based features) which may serve as informative clinical indicators of across multiple diagnostic categories. To address this limitation, we paired an unsupervised multimodal canonical correlation analysis (mCCA) together with joint independent component analysis (jICA) to identify linked spatial gray matter (GM), resting-state functional network connectivity (FNC), and white matter fractional anisotropy (FA) features across these diagnostic categories. We then calculated associations between the identified linked features and trans-diagnostic behavioral measures (MATRICs Consensus Cognitive Battery, MCCB).

Component number 4 of the 13 identified displayed a statistically significant relationship with overall MCCB scores across GM, resting-state FNC, and FA. These linked modalities of component 4 consisted primarily of positive correlations within subcortical structures including the caudate and putamen in the GM maps with overall MCCB, sparse negative correlations within subcortical and cortical connection tracts (e.g., corticospinal tract, superior longitudinal fasciculus) in the FA maps with overall MCCB, and negative relationships with MCCB values and loading parameters with FNC matrices displaying increased FNC in subcortical-cortical regions with auditory, somatomotor, and visual regions.