Yuhui Du Personal Website-Intelligent Analysis of Medical Image
Address:Taiyuan, China
Professor, The Computer and Information Technology School, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, China.
Dr Yuhui Du is interested in combining image processing, statistical analysis, data mining, and artificial intelligence to identify the objective image-based biomarkers which are beneficial to medical diagnosis....
Honorary certificate
MICS2020_ Professor Du Yuhui
Member of the MICS Committee
Member of the Brain Atlas Professional Committee
Individual brain function network extraction method suitable for multi subject brain function data analysis
A Biotype Discovery Method for Mental Disorders Based on Hypergraph Clustering
A mental illness assessment method based on brain imaging
Member of the Medical Imaging Professional Committee
Yuhui Du*, Yating Guo, Vince D. Calhoun. Aging brain shows joint declines in brain within-network connectivity and between-network connectivity: a large-sample study (N > 6,000). Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 15: 306. (Impact factor : 5.702)
Yuhui Du*, Yating Guo, Vince D Calhoun. How Does Aging Affect Whole-brain Functional Network Connectivity? Evidence from An ICA Method. In 2023 IEEE 45th Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2023.
Yuhui Du*, Wenchao Zhu, Yuduo Zhang. A Novel Method for Multi-subject fMRI Data Analysis: Independent Component Analysis with Clustering Embedded (ICA-CE). In 2023 IEEE 45th Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2023.
Yuhui Du*, Fulin Wu, Ju Niu, Vince D Calhoun. An adaptive semi-supervised deep clustering and its application to identifying biotypes of psychiatric disorders. In 2023 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2023.
Yuhui Du*, Yanshu Kong, Xingyu He. IABC: A Toolbox for Intelligent Analysis of Brain Connectivity. Neuroinformatics, 2023: 1-19.
Anees Abrol, Zening Fu, Yuhui Du, Tony W Wilson, Yu‐Ping Wang, Julia M Stephen, Vince D Calhoun. Developmental and aging resting functional magnetic resonance imaging brain state adaptations in adolescents and adults: A large N (>47K) study. Human Brain Mapping 2023. (Impact factor:5.399)
Ying Xing, Peter Kochunov, Theo G.M. van Erp, Tianzhou Ma, Vince D. Calhoun, Yuhui Du*. A novel neighborhood rough set-based feature selection method and its application to biomarker identification of schizophrenia. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2022. (Impact factor:7.021)
Yuhui Du*, Hui Hao, Ying Xing, Ju Niu, Vince D Calhoun. A Transdiagnostic Biotype Detection Method for Schizophrenia and Autism Spectrum Disorder Based on Graph Kernel. In 2021 IEEE 43rd Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2021.
Yuhui Du*, Xingyu He, and Vince D Calhoun. SMART (splitting-merging assisted reliable) Independent Component Analysis for Brain Functional Networks. In 2021 IEEE 43rd Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2021
Yuhui Du*, Xingyu He, and Vince D Calhoun. A New Semi-Supervised Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Method For Brain Dynamic Functional Connectivity Analysis. In 2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp. 1591-1594, 2021.
Yuhui Du*, Ju Niu, and Vince D Calhoun. A New Hypergraph Clustering Method For Exploring Transdiagnostic Biotypes In Mental Illnesses: Application To Schizophrenia And Psychotic Bipolar Disorder. In 2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp. 971-974, 2021.
Anees Abrol*, Zening Fu, Mustafa Salman, Rogers Silva, Yuhui Du, Sergey Plis and Vince Calhoun. Deep learning encodes robust discriminative neuroimaging representations to outperform standard machine learning. Nature communications, 12(1), pp. 1-17, 2021.
Mohammad S E Sendi, Elaheh Zendehrouh, Robyn L Miller, Zening Fu, Yuhui Du, Jingyu Liu, Elizabeth C Mormino, David H Salat and Vince D Calhoun. Alzheimer's Disease Projection From Normal to Mild Dementia Reflected in Functional Network Connectivity: A Longitudinal Study. Front Neural Circuits, 14(87), 2021.
Mohammad Sadegh Eslampanah Sendi, Elaheh Zendehrouh, Zening Fu, Jingyu Liu, Yuhui Du, Elizabeth Mormino, David Salat, Vince Calhoun*, and Robyn L Miller. Disrupted dynamic functional network connectivity among cognitive control networks in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Brain connectivity, 2021.
Reihaneh Hassanzadeh, Rogers F. Silva, Anees Abrol, Mustafa Salman, Anna Bonkhoff, Yuhui Du, Zening Fu, Thomas DeRamus, Eswar Damaraju, Bradley Baker, and Vince D. Calhoun. Individualized Spatial Network Predictions Using Siamese Convolutional Neural Networks: A Resting-State fMRI Study of over 11,000 Unaffected Individuals. bioRxiv, 2021.
Yuhui Du*, Zening Fu, Jing Sui, Shuang Gao, Ying Xing, Dongdong Lin, Mustafa Salman, Anees Abrol, Md Abdur Rahaman, Jiayu Chen, L. Elliot Hong, Peter Kochunov, Elizabeth A. Osuch, Vince D. Calhoun. NeuroMark: An automated and adaptive ICA based pipeline to identify reproducible fMRI markers of brain disorders. NeuroImage: Clinical, 2020, 28: 102375. (TOP journals, SCI division of Chinese Academy of Sciences: 2, impact factor: 4.881)
Yuhui Du*, Bang Li, Yuliang Hou, Vince D Calhoun. A deep learning fusion model for brain disorder classification: Application to distinguishing schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder. ACM-BCB, 2020.
Yuhui Du*, Hui Hao, Shuhua Wang, Godfrey D Pearlson, Vince D. Calhoun. Commonality and specificity across psychosis sub-groups using brain dynamic functional connectivity. 2020 Annual Meeting of Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM 2020), 2020.
Yuhui Du*, Hui Hao, Shuhua Wang, Godfrey D Pearlson, Vince D. Calhoun. Identifying commonality and specificity across psychosis sub-groups via classification based on features from dynamic connectivity analysis. NeuroImage: Clinical, 2020, 27: 102284. (TOP journals, SCI division of Chinese Academy of Sciences: 2, impact factor: 4.881)
Yuhui Du*, Jing Sui, Dongdong Lin. Identifying neuroimaging-based markers for distinguishing brain disorders. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2020, 14: 327. (SCI division of Chinese Academy of Sciences: 2, impact factor: 4.677, editor of the special issue)
Yuhui Du*, Xingyu He, Xiaowen Deng, Yuliang Hou, Peter Kochunov, Godfrey Pearlson, Vince D. Calhoun. Divergence between schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder on brain function and structure. 2020 Annual Meeting of Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM 2020), 2020.
Yuhui Du*, Bang Li, Yuliang Hou, Vince D. Calhoun. Brain disorder diagnosis by fusing multi-modal brain measures using deep learning. 2020 Annual Meeting of Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM 2020), 2020.
Ying Xing, Yuhui Du*. Brain functional connectivity feature selection based on neighborhood rough set. 2020 Annual Meeting of Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM 2020), 2020.
Zening Fu, Yuhui Du, Jing Sui, Vince Calhoun*. Dynamic functional network variability underlying disease traits in schizophrenia and autism. Biological Psychiatry, 2020, 87(9): S118–S119.
Anees Abrol*, Manish Bhattarai, Alex Fedorov, Yuhui Du, Sergey Plis, Vince Calhoun. Deep residual learning for neuroimaging: An application to predict progression to alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2020: 108701.
Anees Abrol*, Zening Fu, Mustafa Salman, Rogers Silva, Yuhui Du, Sergey Plis, Vince Calhoun. Hype versus hope: Deep learning encodes more predictive and robust brain imaging representations than standard machine learning. bioRxiv, 2020.
Armin Iraji*, Zening Fu, Thomas DeRamus, Shile Qi, Srinivas Rachakonda, Yuhui Du, Vince Calhoun. Ultra-high-order ICA: Fine overlapping functional parcellations and spatiotemporal reconfiguration. bioRxiv, 2020.
Na Luo, Jing Sui*, Anees Abrol, Dongdong Lin, Jiayu Chen, Victor M Vergara, Zening Fu, Yuhui Du, Eswar Damaraju, Yong Xu, Jessica A Turner, Vince D Calhoun*. Age‐related structural and functional variations in 5,967 individuals across the adult lifespan. Human Brain Mapping, 2020, 41(7): 1725-1737.
Ang Li, Andrew Zalesky, Weihua Yue, Oliver Howes, Hao Yan, Yong Liu, Lingzhong Fan, Kirstie J Whitaker, Kaibin Xu, Guangxiang Rao, Jin Li, Shu Liu, Meng Wang, Yuqing Sun, Ming Song, Peng Li, Jun Chen, Yunchun Chen, Huaning Wang, Wenming Liu, Zhigang Li, Yongfeng Yang, Hua Guo, Ping Wan, Luxian Lv, Lin Lu, Jun Yan, Yuqing Song, Huiling Wang, Hongxing Zhang, Huawang Wu, Yuping Ning, Yuhui Du, Yuqi Cheng, Jian Xu, Xiufeng Xu, Dai Zhang, Xiaoqun Wang, Tianzi Jiang*,Bing Liu*. A neuroimaging biomarker for striatal dysfunction in schizophrenia. Nature Medicine, 2020, 26(4): 558-565.
Xing Ying and Yuhui Du*. A New Pathway to Explore Reliable Biomarkers by Detecting Typical Patients with Mental Disorders. In 2020 1st BenchCouncil International Federated Conferences, pp. 61-72, 2020.
Yuhui Du*, Zening Fu*, Jing Sui*, Shuang Gao*, Ying Xing*, Dongdong Lin*, Mustafa Salman*, Md Abdur Rahaman*, Anees Abrol*, Jiayu Chen*, Elliot Hong*, Peter Kochunov*, Elizabeth A Osuch*, Vince D Calhoun*. NeuroMark: an adaptive independent component analysis framework for estimating reproducible and comparable fMRI biomarkers among brain disorders. medRxiv, 2019, 10: 10998631.
Mustafa S Salman, Yuhui Du*, Dongdong Lin, Zening Fu, Alex Fedorova, Eswar Damaraju, Jing Sui, Jiayu Chen, Andrew Mayer, Stefan Posse, Daniel Mathalon, Judith M. Ford, Theodorus Van Erp, Vince D. Calhoun.. Group ICA for Identifying biomarkers in schizophrenia: ‘adaptive’ networks via spatially constrained ICA show more sensitivity to group differences than spatio-temporal regression. NeuroImage: Clinical, 2019, 22, 101747. (TOP journals, SCI division of Chinese Academy of Sciences: 2, impact factor: 4.881)
Zening Fu, Yuhui Du, Vince Daniel Calhoun. The Dynamic Functional Network Connectivity Analysis Framework. Engineering, 2019, 5(2): 190-193.
Qingbao Yu, Jiayu Chen*, Yuhui Du, Jing Sui, Eswar Damaraju, Jessica A Turner, Theo GM van Erp, Fabio Macciardi, Aysenil Belger, Judith M Ford, Sarah McEwen, Daniel H Mathalon, Bryon A Mueller, Adrian Preda, Jatin Vaidya, Godfrey D Pearlson, Vince D Calhoun*. A method for building a genome-connectome bipartite graph model. Journal of neuroscience methods, 2019, 320: 64-71.
Anees Abrol, Zening Fu, Yuhui Du*, Vince D Calhoun*.Multimodal Data Fusion of Deep Learning and Dynamic Functional Connectivity Features to Predict Alzheimer’s Disease Progression. 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE, 2019: 4409-4413.
Zening Fu*, Arvind Caprihan, Jiayu Chen, Yuhui Du, John C Adair, Jing Sui, Gary A Rosenberg, Vince D Calhoun. Altered static and dynamic functional network connectivity in Alzheimer's disease and subcortical ischemic vascular disease: shared and specific brain connectivity abnormalities. Human Brain Mapping, 2019, 4(11): 3203-3221.
Zening Fu*, Yiheng Tu, Xin Di, Yuhui Du, Jing Sui, Bharat B Biswal, Zhiguo Zhang, Nina de Lacy, Vincent D Calhoun. Transient increased thalamic-sensory connectivity and decreased whole-brain dynamism in autism. Neuroimage, 2019, 190: 191-204.
Alex Fedorov*, R Devon Hjelm, Anees Abrol, Zening Fu, Yuhui Du, Sergey Plis, Vince D Calhoun. Prediction of Progression to Alzheimers disease with Deep InfoMax. 2019 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics (BHI). IEEE, 2019: 1-5.
Eva Mennigen, Susanna L Fryer, Barnaly Rashid, Eswar Damaraju, Yuhui Du, Rachel L Loewy, Barbara K Stuart, Vince D Calhoun*, Daniel H Mathalon. Transient Patterns of Functional Dysconnectivity in Clinical High Risk and Early Illness Schizophrenia Individuals Compared with Healthy Controls. Brain connectivity, 2019, 9(1): 60-76.
Jiayu Chen*, Gunter Schumann, Shile Qi, Zening Fu, Jing Sui, Jessica Turner, Yuhui Du, Vince Calhoun, Jingyu Liu. S93CHANGE IN BRAIN FUNCTION DURING BEHAVIORAL INHIBITION MEDIATES ASSOCIATION BETWEEN BASELINE DNA METHYLATION AND CHANGE IN ALCOHOL USE. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2019, 29: S161-S162.
Armin Iraji, Ashkan Faghiri, Noah Lewis, Zening Fu, Thomas DeRamus, Shile Qi, Srinivas Rachakonda, Yuhui Du, Vince Calhoun. Ultra-high-order ICA: an exploration of highly resolved data-driven representation of intrinsic connectivity networks (sparse ICNs). Wavelets and Sparsity XVIII. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2019, 11138: 111380I.
Rongtao Jiang, Vince D Calhoun, Yue Cui, Shile Qi, Chuanjun Zhuo, Jin Li, Rex Jung, Jian Yang, Yuhui Du, Tianzi Jiang, Jing Sui*. Multimodal data revealed different neurobiological correlates of intelligence between males and females. Brain imaging and behavior, 2019: 1-15.
Shengfeng Liu, Haiying Wang, Ming Song, Luxian Lv, Yue Cui, Yong Liu, Lingzhong Fan, Nianming Zuo, Kaibin Xu, Yuhui Du, Qingbao Yu, Na Luo, Shile Qi, Jian Yang, Sangma Xie, Jian Li, Jun Chen, Yunchun Chen, Huaning Wang, Hua Guo, Ping Wan, Yongfeng Yang, Peng Li, Lin Lu, Hao Yan, Jun Yan, Huiling Wang, Hongxing Zhang, Dai Zhang, Vince D Calhoun, Tianzi Jiang, Jing Sui*. Linked 4-way multimodal brain differences in schizophrenia in a large Chinese Han population. Schizophrenia bulletin, 2019, 45(2): 436-449.
Jiayu Chen, Vince D Calhoun, Dongdong Lin, Nora I Perrone-Bizzozero, Juan R Bustillo, Godfrey D Pearlson, Steven G Potkin, Theo GM Van Erp, Fabio Macciardi, Stefan Ehrlich, Beng-Choon Ho, Scott R Sponheim, Lei Wang, Julia M Stephen, Andrew R Mayer, Faith M Hanlon, Rex E Jung, Brett A Clementz, Matcheri S Keshavan, Elliot S Gershon, John A Sweeney, Carol A Tamminga, Ole A Andreassen, Ingrid Agartz, Lars T Westlye, Jing Sui*, Yuhui Du, Jessica A Turner, Jingyu Liu*. Shared genetic risk of schizophrenia and gray matter reduction in 6p22. 1. Schizophrenia bulletin, 2019, 45(1): 222-232.
Zening Fu*, Yuhui Du, Vince D Calhoun. The Dynamic Functional Network Connectivity Analysis Framework. Engineering, 2018, 180: 632-645.
Yuhui Du*, Susanna L Fryer, Zening Fu, Dongdong Lin, Jing Sui, Jiayu Chen, Eswar Damaraju, Eva Mennigen, Barbara Stuart, Rachel L. Loewy, Daniel H. Mathalon & Vince D. Calhoun. Dynamic functional connectivity impairments in early schizophrenia and clinical high-risk for psychosis. NeuroImage, 2018, 632-645. (TOP journals, SCI division of Chinese Academy of Sciences: 1, impact factor: 6.556)
Yuhui Du*, Susanna L Fryer, Dongdong Lin, Jing Sui, Qingbao Yu, Jiayu Chen, Barbara Stuart, Rachel L. Loewy, Vince D Calhoun, Daniel H Mathalon. Identifying functional network changing patterns in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis and patients with early illness schizophrenia: A group ICA study. NeuroImage: Clinical, 2018, 17: 335-346. (TOP journals, SCI division of Chinese Academy of Sciences: 2, impact factor: 4.881)
Yuhui Du*, Zening Fu, Vince D Calhoun. Classification and prediction of brain disorders using functional connectivity: promising but challenging. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2018, 12: 525. (SCI division of Chinese Academy of Sciences: 2, impact factor: 4.677)
Yuhui Du*, Zening Fu, Dongdong Lin, Mustafa Salman, Md Abdur Rahaman, Anees Abrol, Vince D. Calhoun. Shared and specific changes in functional networks in schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder. The 24th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2018, 45(1): 222-232.
Qingbao Yu*, Yuhui Du, Jiayu Chen, Jing Sui, Tülay Adalē, Godfrey D Pearlson, Vince D Calhoun. Application of Graph Theory to Assess Static and Dynamic Brain Connectivity: Approaches for Building Brain Graphs. Proceedings of the IEEE, 2018, 106(5): 886-906.
Dongren Yao, Vince D Calhoun, Zening Fu, Yuhui Du, Jing Sui*. An Ensemble Learning System for a 4-Way Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment. Journal of neuroscience methods, 2018, 302: 75-81.
Zening Fu*, Yiheng Tu, Xin Di, Yuhui Du, G. D. Pearlson, J. A. Turner, Bharat B Biswal, Zhiguo Zhang, V. D. Calhoun. Characterizing Dynamic Amplitude of Low-Frequency Fluctuation and Its Relationship with Dynamic Functional Connectivity: An Application to Schizophrenia. NeuroImage ,2018, 180: 619-631.
Rongtao Jiang, Christopher C Abbott, Tianzi Jiang, Yuhui Du, Randall Espinoza, Katherine L Narr, Benjamin Wade, Qingbao Yu, Ming Song, Dongdong Lin, Jiayu Chen, Thomas Jones, Miklos Argyelan, Georgios Petrides, Jing Sui*, Vince D Calhoun. SMRI Biomarkers Predict Electroconvulsive Treatment Outcomes: Accuracy with Independent Data Sets. Neuropsychopharmacology, 2018, 43(5): 1078-1078.
Dongdong Lin, Jiayu Chen, Nora Perrone-Bizzozero, Juan R Bustillo, Yuhui Du, Vince D Calhoun, Jingyu Liu*. Characterization of cross-tissue genetic-epigenetic effects and their patterns in schizophrenia. Genome medicine, 2018, 10(1): 1-12.
Jiayu Chen*, Barnaly Rashid, Qingbao Yu, Jingyu Liu, Dongdong Lin, Yuhui Du, Jing Sui, Vince D Calhoun. Variability in Resting State Network and Functional Network Connectivity Associated With Schizophrenia Genetic Risk: A Pilot Study. Frontiers in neuroscience, 2018, 12: 114-114.
Elizabeth Osuch*, Shuang Gao, Michael Wammes, Jean Theberge, Peter Williamson, Richard Neufeld, Yuhui Du, Jing Sui*, Vince Calhoun. Complexity in mood disorder diagnosis: fMRI connectivity networks predicted medication-class of response in complex patients. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2018, 138(5): 472-482.
Dongmei Zhi, Vince D Calhoun, Luxian Lv, XiaoHong Ma, Qing Ke, Yongfeng Yang, Xiao Yang, Miao Pan, Shile Qi, Rongtao Jiang, Yuhui Du, Qingbao Yu and Jing Sui*. Aberrant Dynamic Functional Network Connectivity and Graph Properties in Major Depressive Disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry | Mood and Anxiety Disorders, 2018, 9: 339-339.
Shengfeng Liu, Haiying Wang, Ming Song, Luxian Lv, Yue Cui, Yong Liu*, Lingzhong Fan, Nianming Zuo, Kaibin Xu, Yuhui Du, Qingbao Yu, Na Luo, Shile Qi, Jian Yang, Sangma Xie, Jian Li, Jun Chen, Yunchun Chen, Huaning Wang, Hua Guo, Ping Wan, Yongfeng Yang, Peng Li, Lin Lu, Hao Yan, Jun Yan, Huiling Wang, Hongxing Zhang, Dai Zhang, Vince D Calhoun, Tianzi Jiang, Jing Sui. Linked 4-Way Multimodal Brain Differences in Schizophrenia in a Large Chinese Han Population. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2018, 45(2): 436-449.
Jing Sui*, Shile Qi, Theo van Erp, Juan Bustillo, Rongtao Jiang, Dongdong Lin, Jessica Turner, Eswar Damaraju, Andy Mayer, Yue Cui, Zening Fu, Yuhui Du, Jiayu Chen, Steven Potkin, Adrian Preda, Daniel H. Mathalon, Judith Ford, James Voyvodic, Bryon A. Mueller, Aysenil Belger, Sarah C. McEwen, O'Leary Daniel S, Agnes McMahon, Tianzi Jiang, and Vince D Calhoun*. Multimodal neuromarkers in schizophrenia via cognition-guided MRI fusion. Nature Communications, 2018, 9(1): 3028-3028.
Yuhui Du*, Godfrey D Pearlson, Dongdong Lin, Jing Sui, Jiayu Chen, Mustafa Salman, Carol A. Tamminga, Elena I. Ivleva, John A. Sweeney, Matcheri S. Keshavan, Brett A. Clementz, Juan Bustillo, Vince D. Calhoun. Identifying dynamic functional connectivity biomarkers using GIG-ICA: application to schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and psychotic bipolar disorder. Human Brain Mapping, 2017, 38(5), 2683-2708. (TOP journals, SCI division of Chinese Academy of Sciences: 2, impact factor: 5.038)
Yuhui Du*, Dongdong Lin, Jing Sui, Jiayu Chen, Qingbao Yu, Tulay Adali, Vince D. Calhoun. Comparison of IVA and GIG-ICA in brain functional network estimation using fMRI data. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2017, 11: 267. (SCI division of Chinese Academy of Sciences: 2, impact factor: 4.677)
Yuhui Du*, Godfrey D Pearlson, Dongdong Lin, Jing Sui, Jiayu Chen, Mustafa Salman, Carol A. Tamminga, Elena Ivleva, John A. Sweeney, Matcheri S. Keshavan, Brett A. Clementz, Juan Bustillo, Vince D. Calhoun. Identifying Dynamic Functional Connectivity Biomarkers Using GIG-ICA: Application to Psychosis. The 23th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2017.
Mustafa S Salman, Yuhui Du*, Eswar Damaraju, Vince D Calhoun*. Group information guided ICA shows more sensitivity to group differences than dual-regression. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2017, 362-365.
Qingbao Yu*, Yuhui Du, Jiayu Chen, Hao He, Jing Sui, Godfrey Pearlson, Vince D Calhoun*. Comparing brain graphs in which nodes are regions of interest or independent components: a simulation study. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2017, 291: 61-68.
Mustafa Salman, Yuhui Du*, Vince Calhoun*. Identifying fMRI Dynamic Connectivity States Using Affinity Propagation Clustering Method: Application to Schizophrenia. The 42nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2017, 904-908.
Hao He, Jing Sui*, Yuhui Du, Qingbao Yu, Dongdong Lin, Wayne C.Drevets, Jonathan B. Savitz Jian Yang, Teresa A. Victor, Vince D. Calhoun*. Co-altered functional networks and brain structure in unmedicated patients with bipolar and major depressive disorders. Brain Structure and Function, 2017, 222(9): 4051-4064.
Rongtao Jiang, Shile Qi, Yuhui Du, Weizheng Yan, Vince D Calhoun*, Tianzi Jiang, Jing Sui*. Predicting individualized intelligence quotient scores using brainnetome-atlas based functional connectivity. 2017 IEEE 27th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), 2017, 145: 218-229.
Shile Qi*, Vince D Calhoun, Theo GM van Erp, Juan Bustillo, Eswar Damaraju, Jessica A Turner, Yuhui Du, Jian Yang, Jiayu Chen, Qingbao Yu, Daniel H Mathalon, Judith M Ford, James Voyvodic, Bryon A Mueller, Aysenil Belger, Sarah McEwen, Steven G Potkin, Adrian Preda, Tianzi Jiang*, Jing Sui*. Multimodal Fusion with Reference: Searching for Joint Neuromarkers of Working Memory Deficits in Schizophrenia. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2017, 37(1): 93-105.
Xing Meng, Rongtao Jiang, Dongdong Lin, Juan Bustillo, Thomas Jones, Jiayu Chen, Qingbao Yu, Yuhui Du, Yu Zhang, Tianzi Jiang, Jing Sui*, Vince D Calhoun*. Predicting individualized clinical measures by a generalized prediction framework and multimodal fusion of MRI data. NeuroImage, 2017, 145: 218–229.
Dongdong Lin, Jiayu Chen, Stefan Ehrlich, Juan R Bustillo, Nora Perrone-Bizzozero, Esther Walton, Vincent P Clark, Yu-Ping Wang, Jing Sui, Yuhui Du, Beng C Ho, Charles S Schulz, Vince D Calhoun, Jingyu Liu*. Cross-Tissue Exploration of Genetic and Epigenetic Effects on Brain Gray Matter in Schizophrenia, Shizophrenia Bulletin, 2018, 44(2): 443-452.
Yuhui Du*, Godfrey D. Pearlson, Qingbao Yu, Hao He, Dongdong Lin, Jing Sui, Lei Wu, Vince D. Calhoun. Interaction among subsystems within default mode network diminished in schizophrenia patients: A dynamic connectivity approach. Schizophrenia Research, 2016, 170(1): 55-65. (TOP journals, SCI division of Chinese Academy of Sciences: 2, impact factor: 4.939, ESI highly cited paper)
Yuhui Du*, Elena A Allen, Hao He, Jing Sui, Lei Wu, Vince D Calhoun. Artifact removal in the context of group ICA: a comparison of single-subject and group approaches. Human Brain Mapping, 2016, 37(3): 1005-1025. (TOP journals, SCI division of Chinese Academy of Sciences: 2, impact factor: 5.038)
Yuhui Du*, Susanna L Fryer, Eva Mennigen, Eswar Damaraju, Daniel H. Mathalon & Vince D. Calhoun. Biomarkers from dynamic networks in early schizophrenia patients and clinical high risk individuals. The 22th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2016. “Trainee Abstract Travel Awards”.
Yuhui Du*, Susanna L Fryer, Eva Mennigen, Eswar Damaraju, Daniel H. Mathalon & Vince D. Calhoun. Clinical high-risk subjects show slight impairment in brain networks compared to early schizophrenia. The 22th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2016. “Trainee Abstract Travel Awards”.
Qingbao Yu, Yuhui Du, Hao He, Jiayu Chen, Jing Sui, Godfrey Pearlson, Vince D. Calhoun. Estimating dynamic connectivity transition rules in healthy controls and schizophrenia patients. The 22th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2016.
Hao He, Qingbao Yu, Yuhui Du, Victor Vergara, Teresa A Victor, Wayne C Drevets, Jonathan B Savitz, Tianzi Jiang, Jing Sui*, Vince D Calhoun*. Resting-state functional network connectivity in prefrontal regions differs between unmedicated patients with bipolar and major depressive disorders. Journal of affective disorders, 2016, 190: 483-493.
Qingbao Yu*, Lei Wu, David A Bridwell, Erik Barry Erhardt, Yuhui Du, Hao He, Jiayu Chen, Peng Liu, Jing Sui, Godfrey Pearlson, Vince D Calhoun*. Building an EEG-fMRI multi-modal brain graph: a concurrent EEG-fMRI study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2016, 10: 476-476.
Jiayu Chen, Vince D Calhoun, NI Perrone-Bizzozero, Godfrey D Pearlson, Jing Sui, Yuhui Du, and Jingyu Liu*. A pilot study on commonality and specificity of copy number variants in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Translational Psychiatry-Nature, 2016, 6(5): e824-e824.
Shile Qi, Vince Calhoun, Theo G. M. van Erp, Eswar Damaraju, Juan Bustillo, Jessica Turner, Yuhui Du, Daniel H. Mathalon, Judith M. Ford, James Voyvodic, Bryon Mueller, Aysenil Belger, Sarah McEwen, Steven G. Potkin, Adrian Preda, F BIRN, Tianzi Jiang, Jing Sui*. Supervised Multimodal Fusion and Its Application in Searching Joint Neuromarkers of Working Memory Deficits in Schizophrenia. The 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), 2016, 4021-4024.
Yuhui Du*, Godfrey D Pearlson, Jingyu Liu, Jing Sui, Qingbao Yu, Hao He, Eduardo Castro, Vince D Calhoun. A group ICA based framework for evaluating resting fMRI markers when disease categories are unclear: application to schizophrenia, bipolar, and schizoaffective disorders. NeuroImage, 2015, 122, 272-280. (TOP journals, SCI division of Chinese Academy of Sciences: 1, impact factor: 6.556)
Yuhui Du*, Godfrey D Pearlson, Hao He, Lei Wu, Jiayu Chen, Vince D Calhoun. Identifying brain dynamic network states via GIG-ICA: Application to schizophrenia, bipolar and schizoaffective disorders. IEEE 12th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2015, 478-481.
Yuhui Du*, Hao He, Lei Wu, Qingbao Yu, Jing Sui, Vince D Calhoun. Dynamic default mode network connectivity diminished in patients with schizophrenia. IEEE 12th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2015, 474-477.
Yuhui Du*, Godfrey Pearlson, Hao He, Lei Wu, Jing Sui, Jiayu Chen, Qingbao Yu, Vince Calhoun. Distinguish Schizophrenia, Bipolar and Schizoaffective Disorder via Dynamic Functional Network State. The 21th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2015.
Jing Sui*, Godfrey D Pearlson, Yuhui Du, Qingbao Yu, Thomas R Jones, Jiayu Chen, Tianzi Jiang, Juan Bustillo, Vince D Calhoun. In Search of Multimodal Neuroimaging Biomarkers of Cognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry, 2015, 78(11): 794-804.
Hao He, Juan Bustillo, Yuhui Du, Qingbao Yu, Thomas R. Jones, Tianzi Jiang, Vince D. Calhoun*, Jing Sui*. Resting fMRI measures are associated with cognitive deficits in schizophrenia assessed by the MATRICS consensus cognitive battery. Proc. SPIE 9417, Medical Imaging 2015: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional Imaging, 2015, 9417: 94171V-94171V.
Qingbao Yu*, Erik B Erhardt, Jing Sui, Yuhui Du, Hao He, Devon Hjelm, Mustafa S Cetin, Srinivas Rachakonda, Robyn L Miller, Godfrey Pearlson, Vince D Calhoun. Assessing dynamic brain graphs of time-varying connectivity in fMRI data: Application to healthy controls and patients with schizophrenia, NeuroImage, 2015, 107: 345-355.
Yuhui Du*, Jing Sui, Qingbao Yu, Hao He, Godfrey Pearlson, Vince D. Calhoun. Exploring difference and overlap for schizophrenia, bipolar illness and schizoaffective disorder using resting-state brain functional networks. The 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), 2014, 1517-1520.
Yuhui Du*, Jing Sui, Qingbao Yu, Hao He, Vince D. Calhoun. Semi-supervised learning of brain functional networks. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2014, 1-4.
Yuhui Du*, Elena A Allen, Hao He, Jing Sui, Vince D Calhoun. Brain functional networks extraction based on fMRI artifact removal: Single subject and group approaches. The 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), 2014, 1026-1029.
Yuhui Du*, Elena A. Allen, Hao He, Jing Sui, Vince D. Calhoun. Comparison of ICA based fMRI artifact removal: single subject and group approaches. The 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2014.
Yuhui Du*, Jing Sui, Qingbao Yu, Hao He, Godfrey Pearlson, Vince D. Calhoun. Brain networks based discriminate analysis for schizophrenia, bipolar illness and schizoaffective disorders. The 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2014.
Jing Sui*, Hao He, Yuhui Du, Qingbao Yu, Jiayu Chen, Eduardo Castro, David Bridwell, Godfrey Pearlson, Vince D Calhoun. Fusion of FMRI-SMRI-EEG by Ensemble Feature Selection Improves Classification of Schizophrenia. The 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2014.
Qingbao Yu, Jing Sui, Devon Hjelm, Yuhui Du, Hao He, Godfrey Pearlson, Vince D. Calhoun. Tracking changes in brain graph metrics: application to healthy controls and schizophrenia patients. The 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2014.
Hao He, Jing Sui, Qingbao Yu, Yuhui Du, Vince D Calhoun. Fusion of FNC and structural MRI: an application to bipolar and major depression patients. The 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2014.
Hao He, Jing Sui, Qingbao Yu, Yuhui Du, Victor Vergara, Teresa Victor, Wayne Drevets, Jonathan Savitz, Vince D Calhoun. Analysis of functional network connectivity in bipolar and unipolar depression patients. The 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2014.
Jing Sui*, Eduardo Castro, Hao He, David Bridwell, Yuhui Du, Godfrey D Pearlson, Tianzi Jiang, Vince D Calhoun. Combination of FMRI-SMRI-EEG data improves discrimination of schizophrenia patients by ensemble feature selection. The 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), 2014, 3889-3892.
Yuhui Du and Yong Fan. Group information guided ICA for fMRI data analysis. NeuroImage, 2013, 69: 157-197. (TOP journals, SCI division of Chinese Academy of Sciences: 1, impact factor: 6.556)
Yuhui Du*, Zhiguo gui, Yingjun Liu, Fangfang Chen. Review of independent component analysis methods for brain functional networks, Biophysics Reports, 2013, 29(4): 266-275.
Di Jiang, Yuhui Du, Hewei Cheng, Tianzi Jiang, and Yong Fan*. Groupwise spatial normalization of fMRI data based on multi-range functional connectivity patterns. NeuroImage, 2013, 82: 355-372.
Yuhui Du*, Hongming Li, and Yong Fan. Identification of subject specific and functional consistent ROIs using semi-supervised learning. SPIE Medical Imaging, 2012, 8314: 83144S-83144S.
Yuhui Du*, Lirong Yan, Danny JJ Wang, and Yong Fan. Resting-state brain networks in BOLD fMRI and perfusion fMRI. The 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2012.
Di Jiang, Yuhui Du, Hewei Cheng, Tianzi Jiang*, Yong Fan. fMRI Alignment Based on Local Functional Connectivity Patterns. SPIE Medical Imaging, 2012, 831415-831415.
Nianming Zuo, Yuhui Du, Yong Liu, Chunshui Yu and Tianzi Jiang. Who Is the Best Representative Time Series for Constructing fMRI Network. The 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2012.
Yuhui Du and Yong Fan. Group information guided ICA for analysis of multi-subject fMRI data. The 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2011. “Trainee Abstract Travel Awards”.